Ждем новости с Фридрихсхафена

События в радиоспорте и DX

Понимаю, что время не то и заботы совершенно о другом, но если кто-то из УКВ комитета планирует быть в Фридрихсхафене, то, пожалуйста, не пропустите мероприятие:
VHF/Microwave managers are STRONGLY urged to attend this if you are at Friedrichshafen....
(as its a recent arrangement, it is missing from the official programme )

A Spectrum Workshop will be held at Hamradio on Saturday 28th June at 15:00 until 16:00 in -
Room A , 5th floor, 'Verwaltungsgebaeude' (Messe Administration Building).

Topics will include presentations on

70MHz / 4m CEPT proposals by - David EI3IO
Galileo/23cm Band - by Murray G6JYB
5MHz WRC-15 progress - by Hans PB2T.
WRC-15 - Other Agenda Items - by Colin G3PSM (inc 10 and 77GHz, future items)

Please ensure you confirm attendance to Colin G3PSM - [email protected]
В.Баранов UT5DL