Суперстанция - K3LR

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I recently had an opportunity to visit the station of Tim Duffy, K3LR of West Middlesex, PA. Tim has been a ham since 1972 and in 1987 he bought an 11 acre, 1860's farm property and immediately started setting up his dream station. Today, 27 years later, it has become that and much more. Simply stated, the K3LR station is one of the number one Multi/Multi contest DX stations on the planet. Tim engineered and built the entire station and its massive 11 acre antenna farm of 13 towers, including its Yagi's, directional arrays, and switching systems that give it capabilities that are seldom seen in the amateur world.


The photo above shows a partial picture of the layout. The operating positions are in the basement of the old farm house (the white building) and nearly every antenna is fed with 1 5/8 inch hardline in uninterrupted runs that span as much as 1500 feet from the antennas to the shack. Why hard line? Although very expensive new, most of the line Tim used was obtained used as surplus from cellular or two way antenna companies at a fraction of its original cost. The towers are also from cellular and broadcast surplus sales.

One of Tim's crown jewels is the 20 meter stacked Yagi array. Situated on one of the tall towers, it includes 4 full sized, custom designed 20 meter Yagi's that Tim built himself. Spaced exactly one wavelength apart on the tower, they can be operated either individually or in various phased combinations. Each antenna has its own separate ring rotator. When all 4 are fed in phase and pointed towards Europe, signal reports are 5/9+ on a bad day . With a total of 24 elements in phase, the array sounds like a 1500 watt linear, even when running only 100 watts.