Мы признаем только IARU QSL bureaux, новые параллельные структуры представляются ненужными

Аналитика и публицистика

Всем привет!

Конечно, каждый волен сам выбирать, на какие вопросы отвечать и в каких организациях состоять.

Однако, поскольку письмо Юрия UT5NC делает рекламу сторонней структуре (зачем?), все же хочу внести некую ясность в том, кем инициирован этот опрос. Это некая организация под названием EURAO. Текста много, попытайтесь дочитать до конца Некоторые части текста на английском, кое-что я частично перевожу.


По поводу EURAO еще год назад было сообщение от Don Beattie, G3BJ / G5W President, IARU Region 1 и потом некоторая дискуссия на эту тему. Само письмо я приведу ниже - читайте и анализируйте самостоятельно. Но самая общая информация такова.

EURAO (European Radio Amateur Organisation) была организована недавно, как альтернатива IARU. Их не совсем устраивает политика IARU по некоторым вопросам, в частности, по QSL-обмену для НЕ членов IARU.

Также они попытались внести свои предложения (Letter of Understanding) по взаимоотношениям в рамках CEPT. Руководство первого района IARU представила в еврокомиссию по связи свои соображения. Ожидается некоторое развитие событий в этом направлении в дальнейшем.

Пока что предлагается организациям-членам IARU понаблюдать за ситуацией и надеется на установление плодотворных и взаимовыгодных взаимоотношений с EURAO.

----- Исходное сообщение -----
Тема: [IARU R1 Member Societies] EURAO
От кого: Don Beattie <[email protected]>
Кому: [email protected]
Отправлено: 04.07.2015 14:28,

To: IARU Region 1 Member Societies

c.c. Executive Committee, Working Groups

Dear Colleagues,


You will be aware that over recent years, an organisation called EURAO
(European Radio Amateur Organisation) has been formed and is developing. Its
membership comprises some smaller radio societies, clubs and individual
members in a number of countries both in Europe and elsewhere.


Its declared objectives can be found on its website ( <http://www.eurao.org>
www.eurao.org). President Ellam and I met with the Secretary-General of
EURAO at the Friedrichshafen Ham Radio event last week, and it was clear
that some of the development of EURAO has been driven by a lack of QSL
service to non-members of the IARU societies in some countries. EURAO claims
that IARU Policy number 85-9 (
df ) is not being universally operated, and that this has been one of the
motivators to develop EURAO.


Earlier this year, EURAO applied to enter into a Letter of Understanding
with CEPT, in the same way that IARU already has done. This application was
finally discussed at the CEPT ECC meeting held this week, after detailed
inputs had been made by both IARU Region 1 and EURAO. David Court and I were
at the meeting and presented some further facts about IARU. The ECC decided
that there was no good basis NOT to enter into an LoU with EURAO and so,
subject to some final discussions, this is likely to happen in the next few


It is not yet clear what impact this LoU will have. We do not know whether
EURAO has the capacity to attend the key CEPT meetings that IARU does.
However, having an LoU will allow EURAO to submit papers, even if it cannot
afford to attend the relevant CEPT meetings.


We shall be keeping the situation with EURAO under close review. Member
Societies can probably expect that when EURAO has an LoU with CEPT, this
will feature prominently in their publicity material in future years, and
this may make EURAO appear more relevant to some amateurs and "second
societies" in some countries.


This raises the question of what Member Societies can do about the presence
of second societies in their countries. Can I remind you of the discussions
at the 2014 Albena Conference about the second society issue? The main
message was that the existence of a second society should be a "flag" to the
IARU Member Society to analyse what is causing amateurs to join the second
society and to consider what actions might be appropriate to make sure that
the IARU MS offers the same facilities.


Ignoring the presence of a second society is unlikely to improve the
position, and member societies should consider wheat strategies they adopt
when a second society starts competing for membership. Whilst IARU at
present has no means of incorporating a second society into its structure,
it does seem likely that we may need to review how we handle this matter
into the future.


Please let me know whether you see increased activity from EURAO in the next
few years - the EC will be monitoring the situation closely, and I hope we
will be able to establish a sensible co-existence with EURAO to the benefit
of amateur radio generally.




Don Beattie, G3BJ / G5W

President, IARU Region 1

Дон как Президент пишет очень сдержанно и дипломатично. А вот некоторые отзывы на это сообщение более конкретны. Характерный пример - от Монако:

Мы признаем только IARU QSL bureaux, новые параллельные структуры представляются ненужными.

----- Исходное сообщение -----
Тема: Re: [IARU R1 Member Societies] EURAO
От кого: Claude Passet <[email protected]>
Кому: [email protected]
Копия: [email protected]
Отправлено: 07.07.2015 11:30,

Hello Don,

member we recognize only IARU QSL bureaux. The 3A QSL bureau offer QSL servce
to members and non members (on basis Ham spirit ). So this "new"
parallel QSL bureau seems to us unnecessary.





Вот еще мнение из Португалии, переведу часть:

Мы не согласны с попытками разделить радиолюбителей и допускать вторую организацию от страны в IARU. EURAO не может выступать, как реальная альтернатива QSL-бюро IARU.

----- Исходное сообщение -----
Тема: Re: [IARU R1 Member Societies] EURAO
От кого: REP-Rede dos Emissores Portugueses <[email protected]>
Кому: Don Beattie <[email protected]>
Копия: IARU Region 1 Member Societies <[email protected]>, REP-Board of Directors <[email protected]>
Отправлено: 06.07.2015 21:30,

*Hello Don*

*Hello everyone,*
*In Portugal the REP as IARU member association, know of the existence of
EURAO in Portugal, but adherence to the parallel service QSL bureau is
minimal, prices are higher and the delivery to the recipients is not

*The REP has its bureau QSL structured so that even non our members can
receive and send your QSL card through payment of individual and annual
rate of IARU, and a small fee for QSL card.*

*We do not agree with a second association member of IARU by Country, as it
would only divide more hams and has already reached our unstable national
financial situation.*

*At the moment EURAO has not been competitor QSL bureau IARU, look in their
own statistics the number of users.*

*We are attentive and promote the use of the QSL bureau IARU like a better
strategy to get cheaper your QSL card.*

*73 e Obrigado , Carlos Nora - CT1ENDNNNN*


Есть аналогичное письмо от греков.

Добавлю от себя. У вас не возникает аналогий с нашей украинской ситуацией, ЛРУ и "альтернативы"?

Пожалуйста, будьте внимательны. Не стоит, наверное, сломя голову, кидаться в объятия не понятно кого ?

Хотя опять таки - каждый волен сам выбирать...


04.06.2016 11:08, 'Юрко Стрелков-Серга' via UARL_Forum_LRU <[email protected]>
> Приветствую всех!
> На сайте https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ljdtPicE0Ou5D8aZo__LYaY-z5r52k5G2Vdl03KPmWg/viewform размещён материал под названием "How is Amateur Radio in your country?". Просьба к коллегам зайти и честно ответить на все поставленные вопросы.
> Мои 73! Юрко UT5NC
> --

73! Vlad UT0FT - UW2F

Рефлектор ЛРУ