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конструкций. В данном случае, можно не только собрать неплохой прибор для

измерения мощности и КСВ в цифровом виде, но и научиться тому как это

делается на практике. Ведь автор не только дал прошивку, но и все исходные

коды, программу для прошивки. Если учесть, что плата Ардуино-нано на

Алиэкспрессе стоит около 60 грн плюс дисплей примерно столько же,

то за символическую плату вы становитесь обладателем неплохого изделия.

Еще и свой позывной введете на табло. Итак, в путь!.. Обратите внимание,

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на ссылку внизу статьи.

RF Power & SWR meter with Average and Peak



Overall this is an accurate meter, fantastic for a meter under $20, good performance across all

of the HF bands using fairly common parts and simple construction techniques.






The Inline Power and VSWR meter is a valuable tool for the antenna builder and transmitter testing.

I started this project as a bench meter to use when I was building a transmitter drive input. The idea

to build an inline power meter came out of need rather than inspiration. The design is valid for high

power or down to QRP levels. Read on for the information to make your own forward and reverse

power meter for any power level you need.


Circuit Description

Meter and RF Sensor Wiring Diagram

The Stockton bridge circuit is selected uses a fixed 50 ohm reference loads. This is a very simple circuit

just a forward and reverse set: current transformer, a diode, resistor, filter capacitor and connectors. RF

is passed in one connector and out of the other to some unknown antenna impedance. The transformers

feeds a fraction of the RF current passing to the respective forward or reverse resistor. The sampling

fractions, usually is proportional to the square of the turns. Example: using 10:1 turns would see 1% of

the RF current at the reference resistor. Current ratio is proportional to the ratio squared. The little Arduino

Nano uses the forward and reverse DC voltages to calculate RF power and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio.

See "Decide on these options before you build" for resistor information.


Meter Prototype operating on Battery

The prototyping breadboard is a good way to test everything while

the connections are easy to get to for trouble shooting prior to installation inn enclosure.

How does it work?

Working with one Watt output transmitter and didn’t have anything suitable for measuring under five watts

and nothing with a meter that would wiggle a one watt.. At first I just measured the RF at the dummy load

with an oscilloscope. I new one Watt of RF peak to peak voltage on a 50 Ohm load is about 20 Volts.

Even at 10 Watts the voltage is only 63 Volts. So for a while I could adjust my bias levels, peak my output

and check for clipping. This was fine for QRP, but it was tying up my scope and I only needed the peak

voltage of the RF envelope so I setup a rectifier and a digital volt meter to get the same answer. I setup

a dummy load with a coax tee adaptor, a short test lead to PCB holding an RF diode, filter and banana

plugs to a digital volt meter, shown here.

Temporary Bench Test RF Power Monitor

Voltage - Wattage Spreadsheet


The DVM method worked but, I was spending too much time calculating watt values. The next problem

I faced was a power increased the peak reverse voltage (45 V) of a 1N34 diode is reached at just five

watts. I could switch to a 1N270 diode or go back to the oscilloscope for higher voltages, but I wanted

a Wattmeter for my bench work. It didn’t need 1% accuracy, 5% would be good enough. I found some

readymade QRP meters the power range, but I never have liked adjusting for forward power and

switching to read SWR. I wasn’t keen on buying one of those BIG face meters and the digital ones

cost even more, nothing seemed to fit my purpose and budget. I continued on for some time using

a spreadsheet with the voltages (Vpp, Vp, Vrms) and wattage something like the one shown.

It only took me a few days to get tired of having to change screens on a laptop just for a wattage

spreadsheet to grow weary. I had a peak voltage value and wanted a wattage answer, so decided

to temporally reprogram a homebrew Arduino based keyer sitting on my bench. Just attached clip

leads to the pins. Then a few lines of software and resistive voltage divider (to protect the A/D inputs)

for the diode voltage. Some of you are ready to stop reading at the idea of software, but you can multiple

and divide using a calculator or a spreadsheet you can work with the Arduino. The Arduino

microprocessors are not much smarter than a calculator, they just don’t mind do the same

thing over and over again. There you have it, inspiration out of necessity. It was not pretty

but it was a wattmeter for my bench work was born.


Stockton Bridge

The sampling circiut I built is based on a Stockton Bridge. UHF Coaxial (SO-239) chassis

connectors are mounted on opposite faces of a metal box. The RF sensor is a Stockton

bridge directional coupler, it turns the forward and reflected power into voltage levels that

can be translated into power levels. The current through the line is sampled with the aid of

toroid RF transformer windings and applied to termination resistors, The power levels on

the termination resistors are proportional to the input power divided by the square of the

toroid turns ratio. Diode detectors are connected to the termination resistors to convert the

bridge outputs to dc levels, see the Stockton Bridge Circuit diagram shown below ;

Stockton Bridge Circuit diagram


Understanding how the Stockton Bridge works and why antennas have forward RF power

and reverse RF power (reflected back) is the stuff college text books are better suited.

You will find dozens of homebrew SWR meters based on Stockton’s design by searching

on Stockton Bridge circuit or G4ZNQ. I have found two extremely good mentors on YouTube

I toughly recommend; David Casler KE0OG has a great video on understanding SWR ( YouTube KE0OG )

and Alan Wolke W2AEW has a detailed demonstration on the Stockton Bridge ( YouTube W2AEW ).

To know more about HAM radio I recommend you check out all of Dave Casler’s videos for hands

on information and Alan Wolke’s videos for details how radio related equipment works.



The bridge is constructed using Single-sided PC board (glass-epoxy material recommended) as a

double-sided board would introduce capacitance and this might influence the bridge. I made my

own board one inch square to mount the resistors and diodes and connection for the windings.

The capacitors are at the 3.5 mm connector terminal pins to keep RF inside the box.

Bridge Circuit on Circuit Board


Getting from Voltage to Power

The termination resistors provide the bridge forward and reverse power outputs to dc levels,

Voltage Peak (Vpeak) level to be exact. The Arduino analog to digital converter compare the

Vpeak then computers do all the math. It is important to understand you start with peak and

convert to RMS to find the actual power. The Arduino Nano uses a 5V default reference for the

digital converter. The resistor voltage does not include the diode voltage drops of about 0.3 V

for a 1N270 and the drop is corrected mathematically in the software program. Resistor Voltage

Peak = Arduino Steps X 5 Volts divided by the A/D value for 5V then add the diode voltage drop.

  • Resistor Voltage Peak = Arduino A/D Steps X 5 Volts / 1023 then add the diode voltage drop
  • The resistor voltage does not include the diode voltage drops of about 0.3 V for a 1N270 and
  • the drop is corrected mathematically in the software program.
  • Resistor Voltage Peak = ( Arduino Steps X 5 Volts / 1023 ) + 0.3
  • Resistor Voltage Peak is now known, however the Voltage Root Mean Square (Vrms) value
  • is what is needed to know the voltage required to dissipate that much power in the termination
  • resistor.
  • Vrms = Resistor Voltage Peak X 0.707 X toroid turns ratio

I considered multiple power ranges and decided not build in a power range selector switch as I

find it is only a matter of time before, OOPS wrong range! Buy a new meter! I try not to repeat

my costly mistakes. The calculations shown below apply to a circuit using transformers with a

13:1 turn ratio. Typically 10:1 is used for low power and more turns at higher power in the bridge

circuit. I picked 13:1 as it was easy to wind on a small toroid and a middle range, low enough to

measure 1 W and only consumes 0.5% of my forward power.

Resistor Voltage RMS = Resistor Voltage Peak X 0.707 X 13 (turns ratio)

Amps = Resistor Voltage RMS / 50 Ohm Termination Resistor

Amps = [ Steps X 5 ) / 1023 ) + 0.30 ] X [ 13 X 0.707 / 50 ]

Amps = ( ( (Steps X 5) / 1023 ) + 0.30 ) * 0.18382

Amps = Steps X 0.000898435972629521 + 0.055146

Power = Resistance X Current Squared

Power = 50 Ohm X Amps X Amps

Use the forward and reverse power to determine VSWR

p = SQRT ( Power Reverse / Power Forward )

VSWR = ( 1 + p ) / ( 1 – p )


Decide on these options before you build

Select these components based on RF power range







You can use 43 or 61 Material at HF without problems. The size is not critical as the power

levels in the toroid are tiny. I used OD 0.6 Inch, ID 0.3 Inch which I found are just enough for

turns to wind and leave room for the feedthrough.

The windings are made from two 18-inch lengths of #26 AWG wire (#24-#30) with

insulation rated well above range: 25 W ~ 100Vpp, 100W ~ 200 Vpp, 1000W ~ 632 Vpp.



Diode circuits have a diode forward voltage dropped across a current-conducting diode that

changes with a small amount of current going through it and levels off. Most simply say the

voltage drop across a conducting, semiconductor diode remains constant at 0.7 volts for silicon

and 0.3 volts for germanium. The circuit needs to use a 1N270 for low power accuracy. Many

diode based meters require more than five or ten watts at a minimum for operation to address

this drop. This meter corrects for the voltage changes with a software correction for drop vs. current at low power.

Testing 40M, 30M, 20M, 17M, 21M for 1 to 25 W gave accurate results within +/- 0.5 W. At higher

frequencies testing for 12M and 10M was less accurate with + 0 to - 1.5 W results.

Errors are a few tenths blow 3 W based on my tests. You must use identical

germanium diodes for accurate power and VSWR readings.








The resistors used in this meter must be carbon film. Carbon film are stable at HF and low

power relative to their values. Two 100 Ohm 1% resistors are used in parallel to get an accurate

50 Ohm reference. Wattage depends on power range, (examples; 2W for 150W, ¼ for 25W).

The series 10K resistors are terminations to protect the A/D inputs from overvoltage damage

and appropriate for 150W. The parallel 10K resistors are terminations to protect from damage

due to stray voltages.


Enclosure for Stockton Bridge

The inline bridge enclosure provides protection from high voltages. I recommend a metal

project box over plastic as it also provides RF shielding. The RF feed through can be a

single conductor which is fine at HF. At 2M and up a few inch length of RG-58 coaxial

cable but it is important the shield braid is grounded at only one end. Another method is

to remove the outer insulation and shielding braid from the center one inch that passes

through the toroid. The coax braid serves as a Faraday shield to discourage unintended

capacitive coupling.

Inline Bridge Circuit in Enclosure

The ground for the PC-board and SO-239 connectors are soldered to one common copper buss to

ensure conductivity. Past projects have had intermittent connections due to zinc, chrome, copper, and

aluminum interactions over time that are not always overcome by star washers. I used a 4.5 X 2.5 X 2

inch Die Cast Aluminum Box with cover as it was the smallest I had that would permit inside mounting


of the SO-239 connectors. Most cast or bend aluminum box will provide shielding to keep you RFI under control.

LCD 5X7 Matrix Displays

The Liquid Crystal Display shown is a blue and red 4 Line 20 Character LCD Module with a

backlight and IC2 serial link. If you are an Arduino beginner, I have listed the specifics below.

If you have used other LCD displays editing the code for your display should be simple.

  • 20 Character X 4 Rows LCD Driver for Arduino Liquid Crystal displays based on the
  • Hitachi HD44780 chipset, which is found on most text-based LCDs.
  • Serial Interface: I2C Address: 0x26 Pins : GND?VCC?SDA?SCL
  • Back light (Blue with White character color)
  • Supply voltage: 5V
  • Size : 60mm×99mm
  • Contrast: Potentiometer Adjustment


When you have finished transmitting the display will continue to display the “Transmitting” data with

zero watts for a small delay before displaying the “Average/Peak” data. The code values are loaded

with typical SSB values (averaging periods & delays) to allow for the dynamic modulation. You find

comments in the code that should help you in customizing the meter to taste.

Average and Peak Display






Use the Arduino Nano based on the ATmega328 (Arduino Nano 3.xx). If you have used other

Arduino processors editing the code should not be problem. You must use a 5 volt reference

or modify the code/hardware to match your design.












Enclosure for Display & Arduino

I used a 5 X 3 X 2 Inch ABS plastic enclosure just big enough for the display and switches

on the face. You should consider more space if you are using a battery for power. I mounted

a female 2.5 mm power connector on the rear panel for connection to the remote power supply.

Series Regulator Power Supply

I use a simple series regulator for my 8V shown here and any wall plug power supply from

my junk box. The LM7808 is a three terminal positive regulator. I have found a heatsink is

not required with the TO-220 package.


Power Supply Choices

The power supply needs to supply 8 to 12 V @ 60-80 mA for the processor and back-lighting

of the LCD display. The Nano has a built-in regulated 5 V output for the display. Since the

power requirements are small, less is better in this case as the higher voltage requires more

heat to be dissipated in the Nano board. Battery operation will require a AA battery 6 pack

for a reasonable operating time like you would expect from a portable radio. I tried a 9V

battery but it will only work for 20 minutes.



Parts List


Item Description and Comments
















Arduino NANO ATmega 328 Rev 3.xx

LCD Display 20X4 Serial IC2 See text discussion

Toroid #61 Material OD 0.6 Inch, ID 0.3 Inch, See text

Diode 1N270 RF germanium diode with small voltage drop See text

Inches #26 AWG Dielectric Windings depends on max watts 300 V or see text

Reference Resistor 100 Ohm 1% Carbon Film See text

Capacitor 0.01 uF Ceramic 50V

A/D Resistor 10K 5% Carbon Film ¼ W Termination not critical value See text

Power Supply 8 to 12 VDC Battery vs. Power Supply, See text discussion

Bridge Enclosure Metal Inside ~ 2 X 2 X 4 Inches, See text discussion

RF Connector SO-239 Chassis Mount

Display Enclosure Plastic Inside ~ 2 X 4 X 6 Inches, See text discussion

Signal Cable Stereo 3.5 mm Male to Male Audio cable, length 3 to 25 Ft

Signal Jack Stereo 3.5 mm Female Chassis Mount

Hookup Wire #24 to #30 AWG Color coded wire helps prevent mistakes

Warning on "See Text" items; these component values are based on maximum RF power



																		//******* CHECK YOUR DISPLAY & LIBRARIES ***************
																		// Arduino 1.6.3 IDE  (not tested on earlier IDE)
																		// I2C library   (for  LCD-I2C-GY-IIC-LCD)
																		// Check the Display IC2 address, this code uses 0x26 
																		      #include <Wire.h> // #include <Wire.h> default to Wiring for Uno; SCL = A5, SDA = A4, VCC = 5V+, GND = GND                    
																		      #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>         // The Arduino I2C is hard coded SDA = pin A4) & SCL = pin A5 
																		      LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x26, 20, 4);    //  serial 20 X 4 LCD Display      //  Address  A2    A1    A0      //    0x26   Hi    Hi    Lo
																		// Pinouts for NANO I/O  // Analog VDC signals from Stockton VSWR Bridge Circiut
																		      #define Vfwdpin_Anlg 6   // Forward Voltage Vfwd VDC A6
																		      #define Vrevpin_Anlg 7   // Reverse Voltage Vrev VDC A7
																		// Varibles
																		      float Vfwd;
																		      float Vrev;
																		      float last_Vfwd;
																		      float last_Vrev;
																		      float Afwd;
																		      float Arev;
																		      float Pfwd;
																		      float MaxFwd;
																		      float AvrFwd;
																		      float Prev;
																		      float MaxRev;
																		      float AvrRev;
																		      float SWR;
																		      float MaxSwr;
																		      float AvrSwr;
																		      int RFoff;
																		void setup()       
																		       lcd.init();  // this clears display for new data
																		       lcd.backlight();   // Turn on the blacklight   
																		       lcd.clear(); // clear all    
																		       lcd.setCursor (0, 0);  // go to Column, Row 
																		       lcd.print("CallSign PWR/SWR MTR");    // displays text         
																		       lcd.setCursor (0, 1);  // go to Column, Row 
																		       lcd.print(" 30W Max Operating  ");      // displays text
																		       lcd.setCursor (0, 2);  // go to Column, Row
																		       lcd.print("--------Ready-------");   // displays text
																		       lcd.print("my example text here");   // displays text   
																		       lcd.setCursor (0, 3);  // go to Column, Row
																		       lcd.print("more  example  text ");   // displays text  
																		       delay(8000);        // delay 8 second     
																		void loop()  
																		{   // start of main loop                 // start of main loop                 // start of main loop                 // start of main loop                 // start of main loop  
																		     // reads inputs before actions can be taken
																		     Vfwd = analogRead(Vfwdpin_Anlg); // read forward voltage from RF remote directional detector
																		     Vfwd = constrain(Vfwd, 1, 1023); // Vfwd values must be greater than zero to prevent divide by zero in SWR Calc 
																		     Vrev = analogRead(Vrevpin_Anlg); // read forward voltage from RF remote directional detector  
																		  //                RF Forward / Reverse Power and VSWR Calculations
																		                  Step 1 = Convert Arduino A/D steps to current 
																		                   Arduino Voltage = Steps X 5 Volts / 1023  
																		                   Add Arduino V corrections for diode drop of 0.3 V  
																		                   Arduino Voltage = Arduino Voltage + 0.30 
																		                        Arduino V corrections for Vpeak to Vrms is factor of 0.707 
																		                        Tx Line V = Arduino V X 0.707 X 13 turns ratio
																		                   Amps = Tx Line V / 50 Ohm Termination Resistor
																		                   Amps = [ Steps X 5 ) / 1023 )  + 0.30 ]  X  [ 13  X  0.707 /  50 ]   =  ( ( (Steps X 5) / 1023 ) + 0.30 )  *  0.18382
																		                  Step 2 = Convert Line current to power 
																		                   Power = 50 Ohm Line X current squared
																		                   Power = 50 X Amps X Amps
																		                  Step 3 = Convert forward and reverse power to VSWR 
																		                   VSWR = (1+SQRT(Prev/Pfwd)) / (1-SQRT(Prev/Pfwd))
																		          float Vdiode = ( Vfwd / 1000 ); // gradual diode drop 
																		          // Gradual diode drop factor was tested for 40M, 30M, 20M, 17M, 21M 
																		          // Fowards Watts 0 to 25 W valid +/- 0.5 W  // 12M and 10M valid + 0 to - 1.5 W
																		          Vdiode = constrain(Vdiode, 0, 0.3); // limit drop to 0.3 V
																		          Afwd =  ( (Vfwd * 5) / 1023 ) + Vdiode; // split up calculation 
																		          Afwd =  Afwd *  0.18382; // split up calculation
																		          Pfwd = 50 * Afwd * Afwd;
																		          Vdiode = ( Vrev / 1000 ); // gradual diode drop          
																		          Vdiode = constrain(Vdiode, 0, 0.3); // limit drop to 0.3 V          
																		          Arev =  ( (Vrev * 5) / 1023 ) + Vdiode;  // split up calculation 
																		          Arev =  Arev *  0.18382; // split up calculation
																		          Prev = 50 * Arev * Arev;          
																		          float fp = sqrt ( Prev / Pfwd );
																		          SWR = ( 1 + fp ) / ( 1 - fp );                          
																		          SWR = constrain(SWR, 1, 99.9); // some more than 100
																		   if ( Pfwd > 0.2 )  //  peak sample timer and no RF time out timer
																		         if ( RFoff > 10000 )  //  average and peak timer see text (10000 long for SSB, 2000 short for QSK)
																		              lcd.init();  // this extra init clears and cleans up trash when on battery operation
																		              lcd.clear(); // clear all 
																		              MaxFwd = 0;    // clears past peaks and averages
																		              AvrFwd = 0;
																		              MaxRev = 0;
																		              AvrRev = 0;
																		              MaxSwr = 1;
																		              AvrSwr = 1;      
																		        RFoff = 1000;   
																		            RFoff = RFoff + 1;  // Countdown timer
																		   if ((( Vfwd - last_Vfwd ) > 3) || (( Vfwd - last_Vfwd ) <  -3) || (( Vrev - last_Vrev ) > 3) || (( Vrev - last_Vrev ) <  -3)  )  // previous reads are checked to reduce display flicker  // +/- 3 to filter A/D noise
																		       //////////// Peak Hold ///////////
																		        if ( Pfwd > MaxFwd )
																		                MaxFwd = Pfwd;
																		          if ( Prev > MaxRev )
																		                MaxRev = Prev;
																		          if ( SWR > MaxSwr )
																		                MaxSwr = SWR;
																		       ////////////////////////////////// average value integrator   Select % values to add up to 100% //   10 / 90 is fast,  5 / 95 is medium,   2 / 98 is slow  
																		       AvrFwd = ( AvrFwd * 0.95 ) + ( Pfwd * 0.05 );   // average value integrator     
																		       AvrRev = ( AvrRev * 0.95 ) + ( Prev * 0.05 );   // average value integrator     
																		       AvrSwr = ( AvrSwr * 0.95 ) + ( SWR * 0.05 );   // average value integrator
																		       lcd.setCursor (0, 0);  // go to Column, Row   
																		       lcd.print("=== Transmitting ===");        
																		       lcd.setCursor (0,1);  
																		       lcd.print("FWD  ");           
																		       lcd.setCursor (5,1);           // go to Column, Row                                 
																		       lcd.print(Pfwd, 1);      // displays forward power as xx.x value    //  ",1" means one decimal place           
																		       lcd.print("  ");     // to clear trailing digits
																		             //  FWD bargraph
																		             lcd.setCursor (10,1);           // go to Column, Row
																		             lcd.print("          ");     // to clear last bar
																		             lcd.setCursor (10,1);           // go to Column, Row  
																		             float  bar = 12 - ( Pfwd / 2 );
																		             bar = constrain(bar, 0, 10); // limit max bar
																		             for (bar; bar < 11; bar = bar + 1)      
																		             {  lcd.print(">");   }    // bargraph     
																		             //  end bargraph
																		       lcd.setCursor (0,2);           // go to Column, Row 
																		       lcd.print("REV  ");   // displays menu selected // Clearing not required always 16 Char           
																		       lcd.setCursor (5,2);           // go to Column, Row            
																		       lcd.print(Prev, 1);      // displays forward power as xx.x value    //  ",1" means one decimal place  
																		       lcd.print("  ");     // to clear trailing digits
																		             //  REV bargraph
																		             lcd.setCursor (10,2);           // go to Column, Row
																		             lcd.print("          ");     // to clear last bar
																		             lcd.setCursor (10,2);           // go to Column, Row  
																		             bar = 12 - Prev;
																		             bar = constrain(bar, 0, 10); // limit max bar
																		             for (bar; bar < 11; bar = bar + 1)      
																		             {  lcd.print("<");   }    // bargraph     
																		             //  end bargraph
																		       lcd.setCursor (0,3);           // go to Column, Row 
																		       lcd.print("SWR  ");   // displays menu selected // Clearing not required always 16 Char           
																		       lcd.setCursor (5,3);           // go to Column, Row            
																		       lcd.print(SWR, 1);      // displays forward power as xx.x value    //  ",1" means one decimal place
																		       lcd.print("  ");     // to clear trailing digits
																		             //  SWR bargraph
																		             lcd.setCursor (10,3);           // go to Column, Row
																		             lcd.print("          ");     // to clear last bar
																		             lcd.setCursor (10,3);           // go to Column, Row  
																		             bar = 12 - SWR;
																		             bar = constrain(bar, 0, 10); // limit max bar
																		             for (bar; bar < 11; bar = bar + 1)      
																		             {  lcd.print("#");   }    // bargraph     
																		             //  end bargraph  
																		       last_Vfwd = Vfwd;         
																		       last_Vrev = Vrev;
																		      if ( RFoff > 10000 )  //  no RF time out
																		      delay (200);     // delay   
																		      lcd.setCursor (0, 0);  // go to Column, Row  
																		      lcd.print("No RF, Average/Peak "); 
																		      lcd.setCursor (0, 1);  // go to Column, Row           
																		      lcd.print("FWD  ");        
																		      lcd.setCursor (5, 1);  // go to Column, Row           
																		      lcd.print(AvrFwd, 1);      // displays forward power as xx.x value    //  ",1" means one decimal place           
																		      lcd.print(" ");        // one space to clear last if > 10 (x.x vs xx.x)             
																		      lcd.setCursor (10, 1);  // go to Column, Row                 
																		      lcd.print(" / ");        
																		      lcd.setCursor (14, 1);  // go to Column, Row           
																		      lcd.print(MaxFwd, 1);      // displays forward power as xx.x value    //  ",1" means one decimal place           
																		      lcd.print("  ");        // one space to clear last if > 10 (x.x vs xx.x)        
																		      lcd.setCursor (0, 2);  // go to Column, Row           
																		      lcd.print("REV  ");        
																		      lcd.setCursor (5, 2);  // go to Column, Row           
																		      lcd.print(AvrRev, 1);      // displays forward power as xx.x value    //  ",1" means one decimal place           
																		      lcd.print(" ");        // one space to clear last if > 10 (x.x vs xx.x)             
																		      lcd.setCursor (10, 2);  // go to Column, Row                 
																		      lcd.print(" / ");        
																		      lcd.setCursor (14, 2);  // go to Column, Row           
																		      lcd.print(MaxRev, 1);      // displays forward power as xx.x value    //  ",1" means one decimal place           
																		      lcd.print("  ");        // one space to clear last if > 10 (x.x vs xx.x)   
																		      lcd.setCursor (0, 3);  // go to Column, Row          
																		      lcd.print("SWR  ");        
																		      lcd.setCursor (5, 3);  // go to Column, Row           
																		      lcd.print(AvrSwr, 1);      // displays forward power as xx.x value    //  ",1" means one decimal place           
																		      lcd.print(" ");        // one space to clear last if > 10 (x.x vs xx.x)             
																		      lcd.setCursor (10, 3);  // go to Column, Row                 
																		      lcd.print(" / ");        
																		      lcd.setCursor (14, 3);  // go to Column, Row           
																		      lcd.print(MaxSwr, 1);      // displays forward power as xx.x value    //  ",1" means one decimal place           
																		      lcd.print("  ");        // one space to clear last if > 10 (x.x vs xx.x)   
																		      RFoff = 12000;  //     prevents overflow at 32000 and flags average, peak and display clean up on next transmit
																		  }   // end of main loop                 // end of main loop                 // end of main loop                 // end of main loop                 // end of main loop                 












Trust but Verify!

Looking at the example case of 9 Watts RF forward measure the voltage in the cable from the Stockton Bridge using a DVM verify the tip to shield is 2 VDC. Using a 1.5 VDC source (single cell flashlight battery) apply positive to the Display/Arduino Nano input tip and negative to the shield. You should read approximately 5 Watts forward power on the display. The calibration table shows a range of common values for testing. DO NOT EXCEED 5 Volts! DO NOT REVERSE POLARITY! You will distroy the Arduino Nano. When using the Arduino Nano the reference voltage will default to the onboard 5 volt reference that varies +/- 1/10 volt resulting a small wattage error. A extra 1/10 V will make the 2.5 W look like 2.8 W or 31 W be 32 W. This is not a fault in Arduino, the same error is found in the standard LM7805 series regulators. The typical 3 digit DVM has similar errors so unless you have a calibrated references these small errors are within expected tolorence.








Calibration Table

*Note: Wattage approximate, good for typical DVM,

see voltage reference discussion.






Closing Thoughts

I did not anticipate when I built this meter how well it would worked on the air and has proven to be a

useful test instrument. I use one on my bench and later built one into my tuner. When I transmit SSB

the averaging keeps the reading meaningful although averaging does nothing on CW. Even with

the variations in reference voltages and diodes I have found the accuracy is better than +/- 5%

from 3 to 30 Watts on a dummy load.


QRP Only?

Overall this is a accurate meter, fantastic for a meter under $20, but under 1/2 Watt here is something

I noticed and most will never see is the power is over stated my power below 0.5 Watt. An example

case is the meter may show 0.4 W when it is actually 0.3 W but this is a limitation of the diode voltage

drop correction in the software. As the same power measurement design is used for forward and

reverse the VSWR will be overstated until you reach about 3 W forward. For more details on

accuracy see the Diode Selection discussion.

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