Деление диапазона 28 МГц IARU-2011

Повышение квалификации

28000 - 28070  200  CW, 28055 kHz - QRS Centre of Activity

28060 kHz - QRP Centre of Activity

28070 - 28120  500  Narrow band modes - digimodes

28120 - 28150  500  Narrow band modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)

28150 - 28190  500  Narrow band modes

28190 - 28199     IBP, regional time shared beacons

28199 - 28201     IBP, worldwide time shared beacons

28201 - 28225     IBP, continuous duty beacons

28225 - 28300  2700  All modes - beacons 

 28300 - 28320   2700  All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)

28320 - 29100   2700  All modes

28330 kHz - Digital Voice Centre of Activity 

28360 kHz - SSB QRP Centre of Activity 

28680 kHz - Image Centre of  Activity

 29100 - 29200   6000   All modes - FM simplex – 10 kHz channels

29200 - 29300    6000   All modes - digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended)

29300 - 29510  6000  Satellite-downlink

29510 – 29520     Guard channel

29520 – 29590  6000  All modes - FM Repeater input (RH1 – RH8)

 29600  6000  All modes - FM calling channel

 29610   6000  All modes - FM Simplex Repeater (parrot - input and output)

29620 - 29700  6000  All modes - FM Repeater outputs (RH1 – RH8)